New York Times 1 October, 44 With First Army in Germany. September 30. General Hodges took security off another of his divisions today and disclosed for publication that the 5th Armored Division ("Victory" Division) was one of his ace outfits which stormed across France after the American break though near St. Lo. This division entering combat for the first time in the drive across France was in forefront of the spectacular American operation and helped make a lot of tank history. In the first twenty days of combat the 5th drove 400 miles to the Seine River and was one of the divisions which swept south from COUTANCES and then hooked north from LEMANS to set the FALAISE-ARGETAN trap which gave Von Klug's Seventh Army such a terrific mauling. Military men will be charting that armored capaign for years. The 5th Armored Division started its operations from assembly area in Normandy's hedge bordered fields on August 1. Tanks plunged through St. Lo gap and reared south to drive deep into enemy held territory. The Division proudly boasted that this operation was the first time a full American Armored Division had been used in exploitation mission behind enemy lines. To accomplsh mission the division thrust 140 miles south, then continued 100 miles to LEMANS, then turned and drove 50 miles north to Argentan. Tanks of the 5th were first into both LEMANS and ARGETAN and were the first armor astride the main highway to PARIS. Between Argentan and Gage the 5th had one of the toughest battles of the drive. They fought Germans for three days as pincers of trap closing in on the Seventh Army struggling to escape to the east. Then the armor wheeled and pushed on to the SEINE. In this drive the division lists 2800 Germans killed and 4300 prisoners of war, with its own casualties extremely light. Across the Seine, the Victory division kept wheeling to the east, and foughts its way into LUXEMBOURG, and when tanks rolled into the city, the Prince of Luxmbourg rode with the Division Commande, MAJOR GENERAL LUNSFORD E. OLIVER. Luxembourgers gave the Tank men a rousing welcome along with the Armored Infantry, and quickly recognized the Prince of the Grand Duchy. They stormed his jeep and carried him on their shoulders through the streets.