PRESS CENSORSHIP DETACHMENT P & PW, NINTH U.S. Army APO-339 7 June 1934 SUBJECT: Clearance of Book TO : Commanding Officer, Headquarters, 628th T. D. Bn., APO 339 U.S. Army All the material contained in this book has passed through censorship channels and is approved for publication with no restrictions by the SHEAF Combined Field Press Censorship Group. James A. Robbins Capt., FA Press Censor |
Headquarters 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion APO No 758 U.S. Army 9 May, 1945 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE BATTALION: As I write this little message to you, my comrades of the 628th, the war in Europe has just ended; and in my heart there is both joy and sadness. There is great joy for those of you who have gotten through this hell, sound of mind and body; but there is deep sadness for our men and officers who have fallen. In all humility, I salute our lads who are no longer with us. In all instances, they died willingly, as do men for a cause that is just and right; and they died bravely as can only an American soldier. We, their buddies who served by their side, shall always remember them with a sweet reverence which can be felt only by comrades in arms. It is my earnest prayer that the peace, for which the Conference at San Francisco strives, will be so lasting and honest, that none of our splendid men shall have died in vain. And I salute, too, those of you who have gone through the many strenous months of combat with the Battalion. The amazing amount of enemy material and men which you blasted out of the war is but a tribute to your courage and skill at arms. The Break-through in Normandy...the Falaise Gap...EureSeine Pocket...Compeigne Forest...Sedan...Wallendorf...Hurtgen ...the Ardennes...the Rhineland...the crashing offensive to the very banks of the Elbe River...all these and countless minor battles and campaigns you can, in the years to come, remember with a quiet pride. Whether it is your destiny soon to return to civilian life, or to help finish off our remaining enemy, the Jap, I wish you luck and Godspeed. Believe me, it has been a grand privilege and an honor to have commanded such a fine Battalion in combat. Again, I salute you all...and I shall never forget you. William J. Gallagher Lt. Col., F.A., Commanding |
Editorial and Business Staff |
Art and Photographic Staff |
Pfc. Samual A. Augustine 33028869, A Co. KIA Werbomont, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
T/5 William Mayers 34385822, B Co. KIA Manhay, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
Cpl. Herman Harth 20315041, C Co. KIA Hurtgen, Germany 30 Nov. 1944 |
T/4 Donald F. Beck 36400303, A Co. KIA Simmerath, Germany 30 Jan. 1945 |
T/4 William L. Boswell 34173763, Hq. Co. KAI Wallendorf, Germany 19 Sept. 1944 |
Pvt. Thomas W. Bowman 34371375, A. Co. KIA Osterath, Germany 15 March 1945 | T/5 Clyde C. Broom 34386824, A Co. DOW Douains, France 26 Aug. 1944 |
Pvt. Wellington E. Brundage 36400080, B Co. KIA Conde, France 4 Sept. 1944 |
Cpl. Floyd E. Burge 33034922, A Co. KIA Werbomont, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
Pfc. Randy B. Carpenter 34425461, B Co. KIA Manhay, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
Sgt. George A. De Lia 33161296, B Co. KIA Haute-Bodeaux, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
2nd Lt. John J. Devine Jr. 01822679, A Co. DOW Argentan, France 13 Aug. 1944 |
T/5 Louis P. Di Orio 20315035, C Co. KIA Hurtgen, Germany 11 Dec. 1944 |
Sgt. Lawerence W. Elmore 20315803, B Co. KIA Manhay, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
Cpl. Henry Goffart 33161233, C Co. KIA Bergstein, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
Pvt. Willie B. Greene 34371005, C Co. KIA Hommerdingen, Germany 19 Sept. 1944 |
Pfc. Earl F. Higley 33161282 C Co. KIA Horsdorf, Luxembourg 23 Sept. 1944 |
Pvt. Charles W. Hill 33161172, B Co. KIA Manhay, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
Cpl. John A. Hydu 33028902, C Co. KIA Horsdorf, Luxembourg 23 Sept. 1944 |
Sgt. Gerald W. Joner 39396408, Rcn. Co. KIA Wallendorf, Germany 19 Sept. 1944 |
Sgt. John Kalis 36015718, B Co. KIA Stockem, Germany 17 Sept. 1944 |
T/5 Peter Kowalchik 33161252 C Co. DOW Bergstein, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
Cpl Chester W. Kuta 26016238 B Co. KIA Manhay, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
Sgt. Stanley J. Lada 32071189, A Co. DOI Kalterherberg, Germany 3 Nov. 1944 |
Sgt. Martin P. Lally 32084601, C Co. KIA Werbomont, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
Pvt. John I. J. Lawler 33028880, C Co. DOI Hurtgen, Germany 10 Dec. 1944 |
Sgt. Charles A. Leo 35020246, C Co. KIA Bergstein, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
Pvt. John P. Loncaric 33161105, Rcn. Co. DOW Stockem, Germany 17 Sept. 1944 |
Cpl. Ashley C. Long 34386198, C Co. KIA Bergstein, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
Sgt. Tames W. Luvender 20317374, C Co. KIA Hurtgen, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
Pfc. Mario A. Mastro 33029156 B Co. DOW Odrimont, Belgium 4 Jan, 1945 |
Pfc. James A. McClintock, Jr. 34386127, B Co. KIA Begelbach, Luxembourg 21 Sept. 1944 |
Pfc. Edward Mickacinich 33035715, B Co. KIA Sedan, France 6 Sept. 1944 |
T/4 George F. Morgan 34110685, B Co. DOW France 4 Aug. 1944 |
Pfc. Frank L. Mozina 33161228, C Co. KIA Bergstein, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
Pfc. William Nicholson 33161356, Rcn. Co. KIA Stockigt, Germany 15 Sept. 1944 |
T/5 Jesse A. Pannell 34425825, A Co. KIA Osterath, Germany 15 March 1945 |
T/5 Floyd J. Robinson 32046621, A Co. KIA Krefeld, Germany 3 March 1945 |
1st Lt. Ben J. Smith 01824384, C Co. KIA Bergstein, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
Pfc. Theodore Spalte 32065342, B Co. KIA Werbomont, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
Sgt. Doyle E. Swilley 36014268, A Co. KIA Tangermunde, Germany 12 April 1945 |
Pvt. Leo Tovar 39564912, A Co. KIA Werbomont, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
T/5 Thomas Vender Veen 36400270, C Co. KIA Bergstein, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
T/Sgt. Nicholas Van Handel 32154633, A Co. KIA Krefeld, Germany 3 March 1945 |
Pvt. William T. Walden 34370625, Rcn. Co. DOW Odrimont, Belgium 4 Jan. 1945 |
T/5 William J. Walters 34386105, B Co. KIA Manhay, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
Pfc. Earl V. Ward 34071761, C Co. KIA Hommerdingen, Germany 19 Sept. 1944 |
Pfc. Michael H. Welsh 33161359, Rcn. Co. KIA Neukirchfeld, Germany 4 March 1945 |
Pfc. Cecil Wilson 34707801, A Co. KIA Osterath, Germany 15 March 1945 |
Sgt. Woodrow W. Woods 34071626, C Co. KIA Bergstein, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
Cpl. Casimer A. Wydrzenski 33161329, C Co. KIA Hurtgen, Germany 26 Nov. 1944 |
Pfc. Joseph G. Yakaitus, Jr. 31038937, C Co. DOW Bergstein, Germany 6 Dec. 1944 |
T/5 Arnold B. Zeigler 34425469, A Co. KIA Berbomont, Belgium 7 Jan. 1945 |
TANKS: Number Total Number Total Tiger Royals 2 MACHINE GUNS: 24 24 Mark VI 14 PILL BOXES: 58 58 Mark V 14 OP'S: 16 16 Mark IV 13 Unidentified 13 MISCELLANEOUS 56 56 Buildings 52 Bazooka Nests 2 54 54 S.P GUNS: 4 4 TOWED GUNS: 88MM 8 AIRPLANES: 4 4 75 MM OR 76 MM 10 TRAINS: 47 MM 1 Locomotives 1 1 40 MM 2 Freight Cars 8 8 75 MM Howitzer 1 Others 2 PW'S CAPTURED 24 24 EM 1487 MORTARS: 7 7 Officers 29 HALF-TRACKS: 22 22 1516 1516 GENERAL PURPOSE ESTIMATED ENEMY VEHICLES 68 68 CASUALTIES 1231 1231