Camp Cooke
Taken at Camp Cooke after Desert Maneuvers

Left to right, top row:
Sgt. E.B. Porter - Arkansas
T/5 Nesvold            - Minnesota
"Little Willie"        - Coplay, Pa. (Raymond Beltz)
Pvt. Caspar            - Minnesota
T/4 Harry Utley        - Illinois
Pvt. Steve Sedlak      - Michigan
T/5 Ludeman (Rear)     - Minnesota
Pvt. Yanosky           - Bronx, N.Y.
Pvt. Orville Speers    - Arkansas
T/4 Ralph Crossen      - Boston, Ma.
Cpl. Alves
S/Sgt. Eugene Look     - Boston, Ma.
Pvt. Owens             - Washington, D.C.
Pvt. Frank             - California

Bottom Row, Left to Right

T/4 Orville Alberts    - Illinois            Cpl. Joe Carrol      - Ma.
T/5 Willie B. Taylor   - Texas               T/5 Sam Rand         - Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Pvt. Demavro           - NY                  S/Sgt Wilfred Doll   - Indiana
Pvt. Tanker Bryant     - Arkansas            Sgt. Wm. Caron       - Lowell, Ma. 

Webmaster's Note: The names appear in sequence as they were transcribed on the reverse of the photo. The Bottom Row is somewhat confusing because of the two columns of names.